Source code for solsticepy.gen_vtk

[docs]def gen_vtk(savedir, points, indices, norms, colormap=True, DATA=None): '''Generate 3D views of a heliostat field with triangular mesh in the VTK format that can be visualised in ParaView software ``Arguments`` * savedir (str): directory to save the VTK file * points (nx3 numpy array): the vertices of the objects, each column of the array is X, Y, Z coordinates respectively * indices (nx3 numpy array): the indices of the triangular mesh * norms (nx3 numpy array): the normal vectors of the triangular mesh * colormap (bool): True - show the data of each heliostat (e.g. cosine factor), False - not show the data results, but only show the geometry of the heliostats * DATA (dic): key is 'cosine' or 'atm' or others performance parameter to be visualised ``Return`` * No return value (a VTK file is created and written in the `savedir`) ''' num_points=len(points.T) num_tri=len(indices) f=open(savedir, 'w') f.write('# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n') f.write('test\n') f.write('ASCII\n') f.write('DATASET POLYDATA\n') f.write('POINTS %s double\n'%num_points) for i in range(num_points): x=points[0,i] y=points[1,i] z=points[2,i] f.write('%.8f %.8f %.8f\n'%(x, y, z)) f.write('POLYGONS %s %s\n'%(num_tri, num_tri*4)) for i in range(num_tri): id1=indices[i,0] id2=indices[i,1] id3=indices[i,2] f.write('3 %.0f %.0f %.0f\n'%(id1, id2, id3)) f.write('CELL_DATA %s\n'%(num_tri)) f.write('NORMALS cell_normals float\n') for i in range(num_tri): nx=norms[i,0] ny=norms[i,1] nz=norms[i,2] f.write('%.8f %.8f %.8f\n'%(nx, ny, nz)) if colormap: totalnum=len(DATA) f.write('FIELD PrimaryData %s\n'%(totalnum)) interest=DATA.keys() for m in interest: f.write('%s 1 %s double\n'%(m, num_tri)) for i in range(num_tri): f.write('%.8f\n'%(DATA[m][i])) f.close()
if __name__=='__main__': gen_vtk()