Source code for solsticepy.cal_field

import numpy as np
#from tracer.models.heliostat_field import solar_vector
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from .gen_vtk import gen_vtk

[docs]class FieldPF: """Preliminary calculation of heliostat field performance. 1. cosine factors: sun - heliostat 2. another cosine factors: receiver - heliostat Note the angle conventions in this program: * azimuth: the solar azimuth angle, from South to West * zenith: the solar zenith angle, 0 from vertical ``Example`` >>> from solsticepy.cal_field import * >>> pos_and_aiming=np.loadtxt('./pos_and_aiming.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=2) #load the field layout file (refer to >>> pos=pos_and_aiming[:,:3] >>> aim=pos_and_aiming[:,4:] >>> azimuth=np.r_[0.] >>> zenith=np.r_[12.] >>> field=FieldPF(np.r_[0,1,0]) >>> sun_vec=field.get_solar_vector(azimuth, zenith) >>> norms=field.get_normals(towerheight=70., hstpos=pos, sun_vec=sun_vec) >>> COORD, TRI, ele, nc=field.mesh_heliostat_field(width=10., height=8., normals=norms, hstpos=pos) >>> cos=field.get_cosine(hst_norms=norms, sun_vec=sun_vec) >>> savedir='./field.vtk' >>> COS=np.repeat(cos, ele) >>> DATA={'cos':COS} >>> NORMS=np.repeat(norms, ele, axis=0) >>> gen_vtk(savedir, COORD.T, TRI, NORMS, True, DATA) The field.vtk file is saved in the local directory and can be open in ParaView to visualise the cosine factor of each individual heliostat. See more details in the '' in the next section. """ def __init__(self, receiver_norm=np.r_[0,1,0]): """ ``Argument`` * receiver_normal (numpy array): A numpy 3-vector with unit normal direction of the receiver aperature (default: [0,1,0]) """ self.rec_norm=receiver_norm.reshape(3,1)
[docs] def get_solar_vector(self, azimuth, zenith): """Calculate the solar vector using azimuth and zenith angles. ``Arguments`` * azimuth (float): the sun's azimuth (deg), from South increasing towards to the West * zenith (float): angle created between the solar vector and the Z axis (deg) ``Return`` * sun_vec (numpy array): a 3-component 1D array with the solar vector """ #copied from tracer.models.heliostat_field import solar_vector #TODO change it to Solstice convetion if necessary azimuth*=np.pi/180. zenith*=np.pi/180. sun_z = np.cos(zenith) sun_y=-np.sin(zenith)*np.cos(azimuth) sun_x=-np.sin(zenith)*np.sin(azimuth) sun_vec = np.r_[sun_x, sun_y,sun_z] return sun_vec
[docs] def get_normals(self, towerheight, hstpos, sun_vec): """Calculate the normal vectors of each heliostat ``Arguments`` * towerheight (float): tower height * hstpos (nx3 numpy array): heliostat positions * sun_vec (numpy array): the solar vector ``Return`` * hst_norms (numpy array): normal vectors of each heliostat """ tower_vec=-hstpos tower_vec[:,-1]+=towerheight tower_vec/=np.sqrt(np.sum(tower_vec**2, axis=1)[:,None]) hst_norms=sun_vec+tower_vec hst_norms/=np.sqrt(np.sum(hst_norms**2, axis=1)[:,None]) return hst_norms
[docs] def get_rec_view(self, towerheight, hstpos): """Check the visibility of each heliostat from the view of the receiver ``Arguments`` * towerheight (float): tower height * hstpos (numpy array): position of each heliostat ``Return`` * vis_idx (numpy array): the indices of the heliostats that can be seen by the receiver """ # angle between normal of the receiver apterture and the RH # RH is the vector from the receiver to the heliostat (i.e. -tower_vec) tower_vec=-hstpos tower_vec[:,-1]+=towerheight tower_vec/=np.sqrt(np.sum(tower_vec**2, axis=1)[:,None]) view=np.arccos(, self.rec_norm)) view=view.flatten() vis_idx=(view<1.5) # the heliostat that can be seen by the receiver return vis_idx
[docs] def get_cosine(self,hst_norms, sun_vec): """Calculate the cosine factor between the sun and the heliostats ``Arguments`` * hst_norms (numpy array): normal vectors of the heliostats * sun_vec (numpy array): solar vector ``Return`` * cos_factor (numpy array): the cosine factor between the sun and the heliostats """ cos_factor=np.sum(hst_norms*sun_vec, axis=1) return cos_factor
[docs] def mesh_heliostat(self, width, height): """The local coordinate of the triangular mesh of a heliostat ``Arguments`` * width (float): width of the heliostat * height (float): height of the heliostat ``Returns`` * coords (numpy array): coordinates of the vertices * tri (numpy array): the indices of the triangular mesh """ x=np.linspace(-width/2., width/2., 2) y=np.linspace(-height/2., height/2., 2) xx, yy=np.meshgrid(x, y) coords=np.column_stack([xx.ravel(),yy.ravel()]) tri=Delaunay(coords).simplices #plt.figure(1) #plt.triplot(coords[:,0], coords[:,1], tri) return coords, tri
[docs] def mesh_heliostat_field(self, width, height, normals, hstpos): """Generate the necessary elements to create the VTK file to view the heliostat layout ``Arguments`` * width (float): width of the heliostat * height (float): height of the heliostat * normals (numpy array): normal vectors of the heliostats * hstpos (numpy array): the positions of the heliostats ``Returns`` * COORD (numpy array): the coordinates of the indices of the helisotat field * TRI (numpy array): the indices of the triangular mesh of the heliostat field * ele (int): number of element of the triangular mesh * nc (int): number of indices """ coord1, tri1=self.mesh_heliostat(width, height) ele=len(tri1) nc=len(coord1) num_hst=len(hstpos) COORD=np.zeros(num_hst*nc*3).reshape(num_hst*nc, 3) TRI=np.zeros(num_hst*ele*3).reshape(num_hst*ele, 3) norm_x=normals[:,0] norm_y=normals[:,1] norm_z=normals[:,2] for i in range(num_hst): TRI[i*ele: (i+1)*ele]=tri1+i*nc trans = np.eye(4) trans[:3,3] = hstpos[i] x=coord1[:,0] y=coord1[:,1] z=float(hstpos[i,2])*np.ones(nc) cd=np.vstack((x, y, z, np.ones(nc))), cd) xx=cd_t[0] yy=cd_t[1] zz=cd_t[2] COORD[i*nc: (i+1)*nc,0]=xx COORD[i*nc: (i+1)*nc,1]=yy COORD[i*nc: (i+1)*nc,2]=zz #plt.figure(1) #plt.triplot(COORD[:,0], COORD[:,1], TRI) return COORD, TRI, ele, nc
[docs] def plot_cosine(self, savename): """Plot the cosine factors of heliostats in Matplotlib ``Argument`` * savename (str): the directory to save the figure, with suffix, e.g. '.png' or '.jpg' ``Return`` * No return value (a figure is written in the specified path) """ x=self.hstpos[:,0] y=self.hstpos[:,1] z=self.hstpos[:,2] av=(self.view<np.pi/2.) plt.figure(1) cm ='rainbow') cs=plt.scatter(x[av], y[av], c=self.cosine_factor[av], cmap=cm,s=30) plt.colorbar(cs) plt.title('Cosine factors') plt.savefig(open(savename, 'w'),dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs] def plot_select(self, savename, tilt): """Plot the heliostats that can be seen by the receiver in Matplotlib ``Argument`` * savename (str): the directory to save the figure, with suffix, e.g. '.png' or '.jpg' * savename (float): receiver tilted angle ``Return`` * No return value (a figure is written in the specified path) """ x=self.hstpos[:,0] y=self.hstpos[:,1] z=self.hstpos[:,2] plt.figure(1) fig,ax1=plt.subplots() cm ='rainbow') av=(self.view<1.5) cs=plt.scatter(x[av], y[av], c=self.view[av], cmap=cm) plt.colorbar(cs) nv=(self.view>=1.5) plt.scatter(x[nv], y[nv], c='gray') plt.title('Receiver view \n tilt %s deg'%pm ) #plt.title('Receiver view \n Tower height %s m'%pm ) plt.savefig(open(savename, 'w'),dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def rotx(ang): """Generate a homogenous transform for ang radians around the x axis""" s = np.sin(ang); c = np.cos(ang) return np.array([ [1., 0, 0, 0], [0, c,-s, 0], [0, s, c, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1.] ]) def roty(ang): """Generate a homogenous transform for ang radians around the y axis""" s = np.sin(ang); c = np.cos(ang) return np.array([ [c, 0, s, 0], [0, 1., 0, 0], [-s,0, c, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1.] ]) def rotz(ang): """Generate a homogenous trransform for ang radians around the z axis""" s = np.sin(ang); c = np.cos(ang) return np.array([ [c,-s, 0, 0], [s, c, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1., 0], [0, 0, 0, 1.] ]) def translate(x=0, y=0, z=0): """Generate a homogenous transform for translation by x, y, z""" return np.array([ [1., 0, 0, x], [0, 1., 0, y], [0 ,0, 1., z], [0, 0, 0, 1.] ]) if __name__=='__main__': #pos_and_aiming=np.loadtxt('/media/yewang/Work/svn_ye/Solstice-tutorial/cases/2-Validation/layout.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=2) pos_and_aiming=np.loadtxt('./pos_and_aiming.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=2) pos=pos_and_aiming[:,:3] aim=pos_and_aiming[:,4:] azimuth=np.r_[0.] zenith=np.r_[12.] field=FieldPF(np.r_[0,1,0]) sun_vec=field.get_solar_vector(azimuth, zenith) norms=field.get_normals(towerheight=70., hstpos=pos, sun_vec=sun_vec) #field.heliostat(10, 8) COORD, TRI, ele, nc=field.view_heliostats(width=10., height=8., normals=norms, hstpos=pos) cos=field.get_cosine(hst_norms=norms, sun_vec=sun_vec) savedir='./field.vtk' COS=np.repeat(cos, ele) DATA={'cos':COS} NORMS=np.repeat(norms, ele, axis=0) gen_vtk(savedir, COORD.T, TRI, NORMS, True, DATA)