Source code for solsticepy.gen_yaml

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np

#for python 2:
#from builtins import super

from .data_spectral import SolarSpectrum, MirrorRhoSpectrum
import sys

class Sun:
	"""Sun parameters for solstice-input

	>>> sun = Sun(dni=1000, sunshape='buie', csr=0.2)
	>>> print(sun.yaml(spectrum = "*solar_spectrum"))

	def __init__(self,dni=1000,sunshape=None,csr=0.01,half_angle_deg=0.2664,std_dev=0.2):
		"""Define sun parameters for Solstice input file.

		`dni`: Direct normal irradance (W/m2)
		`sunshape`: Sunshape: can be None, ``'pillbox'``,``'gaussian'`` or ``'buie'``
		`half_angle_deg`: sun angular size (in DEGREES, half-angle) (ONLY in case of ``'pillbox'``)
		`csr`: circumsolar ratio (ONLY in case of ``'buie'``)
		`std_dev`: standard deviation of the angular dsn ratio (ONLY in case of ``'gaussian'``)
		self.dni = dni
		self.sunshape = sunshape
		if sunshape is not None:
			assert sunshape in ['buie','pillbox','gaussian']
			self.sunshape = sunshape
			if sunshape == "pillbox":
				self.half_angle_deg = half_angle_deg
			elif sunshape == "buie":
				self.csr = csr
			elif sunshape == "gaussian":
				self.std_dev = std_dev
	def yaml(self,spectrum = None):
		"""YAML representation of the sun for solstice-input.

		`spectrum`: YAML value of the solar spectrum. Would normally be set to the string ``"*solar_spectrum"``.
		# FIXME surely we find a smarter way to do this serialization AND deseralization with YAML?
		s = "{dni: %15.8e" % (self.dni,)
		if spectrum is not None:
			s += ", spectrum = %s" % (spectrum,)
		if self.sunshape is not None:
			if self.sunshape=='pillbox':
				s += ", pillbox: {half_angle: %6.4f}" % (self.half_angle_deg,)   
			elif self.sunshape=='buie':
				s += ", buie: {csr: %6.4f}" % (self.csr,) 
			elif self.sunshape=='gaussian':
				s += ", gaussian: {std_dev: %6.4f}" % (self.std_dev,)
		s += "}"
		return s

[docs]def gen_yaml(sun, hst_pos, hst_foc, hst_aims,hst_w, hst_h , rho_refl, slope_error, receiver, rec_param, rec_abs , outfile_yaml, outfile_recv , hemisphere='North', tower_h=0.01, tower_r=0.01, spectral=False , medium=0, one_heliostat=False ): """Generate the heliostat field and receiver YAML input files for Solstice ray-tracing simulation. 1. the sun * `sun` (`Sun` object): parameters relating to the solar source 2. the field * `hst_pos` (nx3 numpy array): heliostat positions (x, y, z) (first of the 'field' parameters) * `hst_foc` (nx1 numpy array): heliostat focal length * `hst_aims` (nx3 numpy array): heliostat aiming point (ax, ay, az) * `hst_w` (float): heliostat mirror width (in x direction) * `hst_h` (float): heliostat mirror height (in y direction) * `hst_z` (float): heliostat center height (in z direction) * `rho_refl` (float): reflector reflectivity * `slope_error` (float): reflector surface slope error rms, radians * `tower_h` (float): tower height (m) * `tower_r` (float): tower radius (a cylindrical shape tower) (m) 3. the receiver * `receiver` (str): ``'flat'``, ``'cylinder'``, or ``'stl' or 'multi_cavity'`` (first of the 'receiver' parameters) * `rec_abs` (float): receiver absorptivity * `rec_param` (numpy array or str): each element contains the geometrical parameter of the corresponding receiver. 4. others * `spectral` (bool): True - simulate the spectral dependent performance (first of the 'other' parameters) * `medium` (float): if the atmosphere is surrounded by non-participant medium, medium=0; otherwise it is the extinction coefficient in m-1 * `one_heliosat` (boolean): if `True`, implements ray tracing from just one heliostat. Returns: nothing (requested files are created and written) Note that the parameters are in groups that relate to the `sun`, the `field` and the `receiver` then `others`. Note also the type for `rec_param` should be as follows. * if ``receiver == 'flat'``: np.array([width, height, slices, x, y, z, tilt angle (deg))] * if ``receiver == 'cylinder'``: np.array([radius, height, slices]) * if ``receiver == 'stl'``: the directory of the stl file * if ``receiver == 'multi_cavity'``: the directory of the stl file """ # FIXME Parameters should be named according to what they are, eg # the parameter should be called 'csr', not 'sunsize', to avoid confusion. # We can still improve our calling convention, to make this library easier # to use and more maintainable. sys.stderr.write("Generating YAML file...\n") iyaml='' # the input yaml file # ### Section (1) # set the spectral data: # solar radiative intensity, refractive indexes, extinction coefficients, reflectivities #------------------------------ if spectral: I_sun=SolarSpectrum() # CREATE the spectrum for the sun iyaml+='- spectrum: &solar_spectrum \n' for i in range(0,len(I_sun)-1): iyaml+=' - {wavelength: %s, data: %s }\n' % (I_sun[i][0],I_sun[i][1]) i = len(I_sun)-1 iyaml+=' - {wavelength: %s, data: %s }\n' % (I_sun[i][0],I_sun[i][1]) iyaml+='\n' # CREATE the spectrum for the reflectivity (mirror) mirror_rho= MirrorRhoSpectrum() mirror_ref=mirror_rho for i in range(0,len(mirror_rho)): mirror_ref[i][0] = mirror_rho[len(mirror_rho)-1-i][0]/1000. mirror_ref[i][1] = mirror_rho[len(mirror_rho)-1-i][1]/100. mirror_ref.append([4,0.9]) iyaml+='- spectrum: &%s \n' % 'ref_mirror' for i in range(0,len(mirror_ref)-1): iyaml+=' - {wavelength: %15.8e, data: %15.8e }\n' % (float(mirror_ref[i][0]),float(mirror_ref[i][1])) i = len(mirror_ref)-1 iyaml+=' - {wavelength: %15.8e, data: %15.8e }\n' % (float(mirror_ref[i][0]),float(mirror_ref[i][1])) iyaml+='\n' # ### Section (2) # set the medium types: # air, glass, vacuum, etc. gathering spectral data #------------------------------ # # # Creation of the sun and atmosphere # if spectral: spectrum = "*solar_spectrum" else: spectrum = None iyaml += "- sun: %s\n" % (sun.yaml(spectrum),) if medium>1e-99: iyaml+='- atmosphere: {extinction: %s}\n'%medium iyaml+='\n' # ### Section (3) # set the materials # (gathering media) # occultant material, mirror specular material, receiver material, virtual target #------------------------------ # # CREATE an occultant material r_f = 0. # front r_b = 0. # and back reflectivity iyaml+='- material: &%s\n' % 'material_black' iyaml+=' front:\n' iyaml+=' matte: {reflectivity: %6.4f }\n' % r_f iyaml+=' back:\n' iyaml+=' matte: {reflectivity: %6.4f }\n' % r_b iyaml+='\n' # # CREATE a specular material r_f= rho_refl # front r_b = 0. # and back reflectivity iyaml+='- material: &%s\n' % 'material_mirror' iyaml+=' front:\n' if spectral: iyaml+=' mirror: {reflectivity: *%s, slope_error: %15.8e }\n' % ('ref_mirror', slope_error ) else: iyaml+=' mirror: {reflectivity: %6.4f, slope_error: %15.8e }\n' % (r_f, slope_error) iyaml+=' back:\n' iyaml+=' matte: {reflectivity: %6.4f }\n' % r_b iyaml+='\n' # # CREATE a material for the target r_f = 1.-rec_abs # front r_b = 1.-rec_abs # and back reflectivity iyaml+='- material: &%s\n' % 'material_target' iyaml+=' front:\n' iyaml+=' matte: {reflectivity: %6.4f }\n' % r_f iyaml+=' back:\n' iyaml+=' matte: {reflectivity: %6.4f }\n' % r_b iyaml+='\n' # # CREATE a virtual material for the calculation of spillage iyaml+='- material: &%s\n' % 'material_virtual' iyaml+=' virtual:\n' iyaml+='\n' # ### Section (4) # set the geometries # (gathering shapes and materials) # the tower, the receiver, the heliostat #------------------------------ # # Tower Geometry # (cylindrical shape) # slices = 10 # slices for the envelop circle iyaml+='- geometry: &%s\n' % 'tower_g' iyaml+=' - material: *%s\n' % 'material_black' #iyaml+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([0, 0, h_tow*0.5], [0, 90, 0]) iyaml+=' cylinder: {height: %7.3f, radius: %7.3f, slices: %d }\n' % (tower_h, tower_r, slices) iyaml+='\n' # # Receiver Geometry # if receiver=='flat': geom, rec_entt, rcv = flat_receiver(rec_param, hemisphere) iyaml+=geom elif receiver=='cylinder': geom, rec_entt, rcv = cylindrical_receiver(rec_param, hemisphere) iyaml+=geom elif receiver=='stl': rec_entt, rcv=STL_receiver(rec_param, hemisphere) elif receiver=='multi_cavity': geom, rec_entt, rcv =multi_cavity_receiver(rec_param, hemisphere) # # Heliostats Geometry # if one_heliostat: hst_x=np.r_[hst_pos[0]] hst_y=np.r_[hst_pos[1]] hst_z=np.r_[hst_pos[2]] aim_x=np.r_[hst_aims[0]] aim_y=np.r_[hst_aims[1]] aim_z=np.r_[hst_aims[2]] num_hst=1 hst_foc=np.r_[hst_foc] else: hst_x=hst_pos[:,0] hst_y=hst_pos[:,1] hst_z=hst_pos[:,2] aim_x=hst_aims[:,0] aim_y=hst_aims[:,1] aim_z=hst_aims[:,2] num_hst=len(hst_x) slices = 4 # slices for the envelop circle pts_hst = [ [-hst_w*0.5, -hst_h*0.5], [-hst_w*0.5, hst_h*0.5], [hst_w*0.5, hst_h*0.5], [hst_w*0.5,-hst_h*0.5] ] # CREATE a reflective facet (mirror) for i in range(0,num_hst): name_hst_g = 'hst_g_'+str(i) iyaml+='- geometry: &%s\n' % name_hst_g iyaml+=' - material: *%s\n' % 'material_mirror' #iyaml+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([hst_x[i], hst_y[i], hst_z[i]], [0, 0, 0]) ) iyaml+=' parabol: \n' iyaml+=' focal: %s\n' % hst_foc[i] iyaml+=' clip: \n' iyaml+=' - operation: AND \n' iyaml+=' vertices: %s\n' % pts_hst iyaml+=' slices: %d\n' % slices # CREATE the pylon "pylon_g" geometry cylindrical shape h_pyl = 0.001 # pylon height r_pyl = 0.2 # pylon radius slices = 4 # slices for the envelop circle iyaml+='- geometry: &%s\n' % 'pylon_g' iyaml+=' - material: *%s\n' % 'material_black' iyaml+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([0, 0, -h_pyl*3], [0, 90, 0]) iyaml+=' cylinder: {height: %7.3f, radius: %7.3f, slices: %d }\n' % (h_pyl,r_pyl,slices) # # ### Section (5) # set the templates # (programming objects gathering geometries or pivot and geometries) #------------------------------ # CREATE the heliostat templates for i in range(0,num_hst): name_hst_t = 'hst_t_'+str(i) iyaml+='- template: &%s\n' % name_hst_t name_hst_n = 'hst_'+ str(i) iyaml+=' name: %s\n' % name_hst_n iyaml+=' primary: 0\n' iyaml+=' geometry: *pylon_g\n' iyaml+=' children: \n' iyaml+=' - name: pivot\n' iyaml+=' zx_pivot: {target: {position: %s}} \n' % ([aim_x[i],aim_y[i],aim_z[i]]) iyaml+=' children: \n' iyaml+=' - name: reflect_surface\n' iyaml+=' primary: 1\n' iyaml+=' transform: {rotation: [-90,0,0]} \n' name_hst_g = 'hst_g_'+str(i) iyaml+=' geometry: *%s\n' % name_hst_g # ### Section (6) # set the entities # (gather templates to be created and active in the scene) #------------------------------ # # receiver entities iyaml+=rec_entt # # tower entities iyaml+='\n- entity:\n' iyaml+=' name: tower_e\n' iyaml+=' primary: 0\n' iyaml+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([0, -tower_r, tower_h*0.5], [0, 0, 0]) iyaml+=' geometry: *%s\n' % 'tower_g' # # heliostat entities from the template for i in range(0,num_hst): name_e ='H_'+str(i) name_hst_t = 'hst_t_'+str(i) iyaml+='\n- entity:\n' iyaml+=' name: %s\n' % name_e iyaml+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([hst_x[i], hst_y[i], hst_z[i]], [0, 0, 0]) iyaml+=' children: [ *%s ]\n' % name_hst_t with open(outfile_yaml,'w') as f: f.write(iyaml) with open(outfile_recv,'w') as f: f.write(rcv)
def flat_receiver(rec_param, hemisphere='North'): """ hemisphere : 'North' or 'South' hemisphere of the earth where the field located if North: the field is in the positive y direction if South: the field is in the negtive y direction this will influence: (1) the setting of the receiver tilt angle, if the front surface always facing to the field is desirable (2) the position of the virtual target """ rec_w=rec_param[0] rec_h=rec_param[1] slices=rec_param[2] # it assumes equal number of slices in x and y directions x=rec_param[4] y=rec_param[5] z=rec_param[6] tilt=rec_param[7] # receiver tilt angle: # 0 is vertical # the standby posiion of a plane in solstice is normal points to the +z axis # rotation anagle, positive is anti-clockwise geom='' pts=[ [-rec_w*0.5, -rec_h*0.5], [-rec_w*0.5, rec_h*0.5], [rec_w*0.5, rec_h*0.5], [rec_w*0.5,-rec_h*0.5] ] geom+='- geometry: &%s\n' % 'target_g' geom+=' - material: *%s\n' % 'material_target' geom+=' plane: \n' geom+=' clip: \n' geom+=' - operation: AND \n' geom+=' vertices: %s\n' % pts geom+=' slices: %d\n' % slices geom+='\n' # CREATE a receiver entity from "target_g" geometry (primary = 0) entt='' entt+='\n- entity:\n' entt+=' name: target_e\n' entt+=' primary: 0\n' if hemisphere=='North': entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y, z], [-90.-tilt, 0, 0]) else: entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y, z], [90.+tilt, 0, 0]) entt+=' geometry: *%s\n' % 'target_g' # CREATE a virtual target entity from "target_g" geometry (primary = 0) pts = [ [-rec_w*10., -rec_h*10.], [-rec_w*10., rec_h*10.], [rec_w*10., rec_h*10.], [rec_w*10.,-rec_h*10.] ] slices = 4 entt+='\n- entity:\n' entt+=' name: virtual_target_e\n' entt+=' primary: 0\n' if hemisphere=='North': entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y-5., z], [-90.-tilt, 0, 0]) else: entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y+5., z], [90.+tilt, 0, 0]) entt+=' geometry: \n' entt+=' - material: *%s\n' % 'material_virtual' entt+=' plane: \n' entt+=' clip: \n' entt+=' - operation: AND \n' entt+=' vertices: %s\n' % pts entt+=' slices: %d\n' % slices rcv='' rcv+='- name: target_e \n' rcv+=' side: %s \n' % 'FRONT_AND_BACK' rcv+=' per_primitive: %s \n' % 'INCOMING_AND_ABSORBED' rcv+='- name: virtual_target_e \n' rcv+=' side: %s \n' % 'FRONT' rcv+=' per_primitive: %s \n' % 'INCOMING' return geom, entt, rcv def cylindrical_receiver(rec_param, hemisphere='North'): ''' hemishpere : 'North' or 'South' hemisphere of the earth where the field located if North: the field is in the positive y direction if South: the field is in the negtive y direction this will influence: (1) the setting of the receiver tilt angle, if the front surface always facing to the field is desirable (2) the position of the virtual target ''' rec_r=rec_param[0]/2. rec_h=rec_param[1] slices=rec_param[2] # number of elements in the circumferetial direction stacks=rec_param[3] # number of elements in the vertical direction x=rec_param[4] y=rec_param[5] z=rec_param[6] geom='' geom+='- geometry: &%s\n' % 'target_g' geom+=' - material: *%s\n' % 'material_target' geom+=' cylinder: \n' geom+=' height: %s\n'%rec_h geom+=' radius: %s\n'%rec_r geom+=' slices: %d\n' % slices geom+=' stacks: %d\n' % stacks geom+='\n' # CREATE a receiver entity from "target_g" geometry (primary = 0) entt='' entt+='\n- entity:\n' entt+=' name: target_e\n' entt+=' primary: 0\n' entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y, z], [0., 0., 0.]) entt+=' geometry: *%s\n' % 'target_g' # CREATE a virtual target entity from "target_g" geometry (primary = 0) Vsize=100. pts = [ [-rec_h*Vsize, -rec_h*Vsize], [-rec_h*Vsize, rec_h*Vsize], [rec_h*Vsize, rec_h*Vsize], [rec_h*Vsize,-rec_h*Vsize] ] slices = 4 entt+='\n- entity:\n' entt+=' name: virtual_target_e\n' entt+=' primary: 0\n' entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y, z+rec_h/2.+1], [-180., 0, 0]) entt+=' geometry: \n' entt+=' - material: *%s\n' % 'material_virtual' entt+=' plane: \n' entt+=' clip: \n' entt+=' - operation: AND \n' entt+=' vertices: %s\n' % pts entt+=' slices: %d\n' % slices rcv='' rcv+='- name: target_e \n' rcv+=' side: %s \n' % 'FRONT_AND_BACK' rcv+=' per_primitive: %s \n' % 'INCOMING_AND_ABSORBED' rcv+='- name: virtual_target_e \n' rcv+=' side: %s \n' % 'FRONT' rcv+=' per_primitive: %s \n' % 'INCOMING' return geom, entt, rcv def STL_receiver(rec_param, hemisphere='North'): ''' hemishpere : 'North' or 'South' hemisphere of the earth where the field located if North: the field is in the positive y direction if South: the field is in the negtive y direction this will influence: (1) the setting of the receiver tilt angle, if the front surface always facing to the field is desirable (2) the position of the virtual target ''' rec_w=rec_param[0].astype(float) # for creating the virtual target rec_h=rec_param[1].astype(float) stlfile=rec_param[2] # directory of the stl file x=rec_param[3].astype(float) y=rec_param[4].astype(float) z=rec_param[5].astype(float) tilt=rec_param[6].astype(float) # need to figure out the initial mesh orientation # CREATE a receiver entity from a STL file entt='' entt+='\n- entity:\n' entt+=' name: STL_receiver_e\n' entt+=' primary: 0\n' if hemisphere=='North': entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y, z], [-90.-tilt, 0, 0]) else: # if it is the mesh model of the bladed receiver at CSIRO entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y, z], [180.+tilt, 0, 0]) entt+=' geometry:\n' entt+=' - material: *material_target\n' entt+=' transform: {translation: [0, 0, 0], rotation: [0, 0, 0]}\n' entt+=" stl : {path: %s } \n"%(stlfile) # CREATE a virtual target entity from "target_g" geometry (primary = 0) pts = [ [-rec_w*10., -rec_h*10.], [-rec_w*10., rec_h*10.], [rec_w*10., rec_h*10.], [rec_w*10.,-rec_h*10.] ] slices = 4 entt+='\n- entity:\n' entt+=' name: virtual_target_e\n' entt+=' primary: 0\n' if hemisphere=='North': entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y-5., z], [-90.-tilt, 0, 0]) else: entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y+5., z], [90.+tilt, 0, 0]) entt+=' geometry: \n' entt+=' - material: *%s\n' % 'material_virtual' entt+=' plane: \n' entt+=' clip: \n' entt+=' - operation: AND \n' entt+=' vertices: %s\n' % pts entt+=' slices: %d\n' % slices rcv='' rcv+='- name: STL_receiver_e \n' rcv+=' side: %s \n' % 'FRONT_AND_BACK' rcv+=' per_primitive: %s \n' % 'INCOMING_AND_ABSORBED' rcv+='- name: virtual_target_e \n' rcv+=' side: %s \n' % 'FRONT' rcv+=' per_primitive: %s \n' % 'INCOMING' return entt, rcv def multi_cavity_receiver(rec_param, hemisphere='North'): """ hemisphere : 'North' or 'South' hemisphere of the earth where the field located if North: the field is in the positive y direction if South: the field is in the negtive y direction this will influence: (1) the setting of the receiver tilt angle, if the front surface always facing to the field is desirable (2) the position of the virtual target """ # x, y, z is the front center of the multi-cavity receiver # n_c is the number of cavities # rec_w, rec_h is the size of one cavity # alpha is the angle between each two cavities # num_cavity is the number of cavities rec_w=rec_param[0] rec_h=rec_param[1] slices=rec_param[2] x=rec_param[3] y=rec_param[4] z=rec_param[5] tilt=rec_param[6] # receiver tilt angle: # 0 is vertical # the standby posiion of a plane in solstice is normal points to the +z axis # rotation anagle, positive is anti-clockwise geom='' pts=[ [-rec_w*0.5, -rec_h*0.5], [-rec_w*0.5, rec_h*0.5], [rec_w*0.5, rec_h*0.5], [rec_w*0.5,-rec_h*0.5] ] geom+='- geometry: &%s\n' % 'target_g' geom+=' - material: *%s\n' % 'material_target' geom+=' plane: \n' geom+=' clip: \n' geom+=' - operation: AND \n' geom+=' vertices: %s\n' % pts geom+=' slices: %d\n' % slices geom+='\n' # CREATE a receiver entity from "target_g" geometry (primary = 0) entt='' entt+='\n- entity:\n' entt+=' name: target_e\n' entt+=' primary: 0\n' if hemisphere=='North': entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y, z], [-90.-tilt, 0, 0]) else: entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y, z], [90.+tilt, 0, 0]) entt+=' geometry: *%s\n' % 'target_g' # CREATE a virtual target entity from "target_g" geometry (primary = 0) pts = [ [-rec_w*10., -rec_h*10.], [-rec_w*10., rec_h*10.], [rec_w*10., rec_h*10.], [rec_w*10.,-rec_h*10.] ] slices = 4 entt+='\n- entity:\n' entt+=' name: virtual_target_e\n' entt+=' primary: 0\n' if hemisphere=='North': entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y-5., z], [-90.-tilt, 0, 0]) else: entt+=' transform: { translation: %s, rotation: %s }\n' % ([x, y+5., z], [90.+tilt, 0, 0]) entt+=' geometry: \n' entt+=' - material: *%s\n' % 'material_virtual' entt+=' plane: \n' entt+=' clip: \n' entt+=' - operation: AND \n' entt+=' vertices: %s\n' % pts entt+=' slices: %d\n' % slices rcv='' rcv+='- name: target_e \n' rcv+=' side: %s \n' % 'FRONT_AND_BACK' rcv+=' per_primitive: %s \n' % 'INCOMING_AND_ABSORBED' rcv+='- name: virtual_target_e \n' rcv+=' side: %s \n' % 'FRONT' rcv+=' per_primitive: %s \n' % 'INCOMING' return geom, entt, rcv #------------------------------