Source code for solsticepy.master

import numpy as np
import platform
import os, sys, subprocess, glob, datetime
import colorama

from .process_raw import *
from .find_solstice import *
from .cal_sun import *

def yellow(text):
    return colorama.Fore.YELLOW + colorama.Style.BRIGHT + text + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL

def green(text):
    return colorama.Fore.GREEN + colorama.Style.BRIGHT + text + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL

def SPROG(name):
    return find_prog(name)

def run_prog(name,args,output_file=None,verbose=True):
	prog = SPROG(name)
	args1 = [str(a) for a in args]
	if verbose: 
		sys.stderr.write("Running '%s' with args: %s\n" % (name," ".join(args1)))
	if output_file is not None:
		# any error will cause an exception (and we capture the output to a file)
		res = subprocess.check_output([prog]+args1)
		with open(output_file,'w') as f:
		# any error will cause an exception...

[docs]class Master: def __init__(self, casedir='.'): """Set up the Solstice simulation, i.e. establishing the case folder, calling the Solstice program and post-processing the results ``Argument`` * casedir (str): the case directory """ self.casedir=os.path.abspath(casedir) if not os.path.exists(self.casedir): os.makedirs(self.casedir) assert os.path.isdir(casedir) sys.stderr.write("Case directory is '%s'\n" % (yellow(self.casedir),))
[docs] def in_case(self, folder, fn): """Joining a file name with the case directory ``Argument`` * fn (str): file name ``Return`` * a joining directory of the file in the case directory """ if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) assert os.path.isdir(folder) return os.path.join(folder,fn)
[docs] def run(self, azimuth, elevation, num_rays, rho_mirror, dni, folder, gen_vtk=True, printresult=True, system='crs'): """Run an optical simulation (one sun position) using Solstice * `azimuth` (float): the azimuth angle of the ray-tracing simulation in Solstice, counted from East towards to North * `elevation` (float): the elevation angle of the ray-tracing simulation in Solstice * `num_rays` (int): number of rays to be cast in the ray-tracing simulation * `rho_mirror` (float): reflectivity of mirrors, required for results post-processing * `dni` (float): the direct normal irradiance (W/m2), required to obtain performance of individual heliostat * `gen_vtk` (boolean): if True, generate .vtk files for rendering in Paraview * `system` (str): 'crs' for a central receiver system, or 'dish' for a parabolic dish system Returns: no return value (results files are created and written) """ YAML_IN = self.in_case(self.casedir, 'input.yaml') RECV_IN = self.in_case(self.casedir, 'input-rcv.yaml') # main raytrace run_prog("solstice",['-D%s,%s'%(azimuth,elevation),'-v','-n',num_rays,'-R',RECV_IN,'-fo',self.in_case(folder, 'simul'),YAML_IN]) folder=os.path.abspath(folder) if gen_vtk: dirn = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(folder) # Read "simul" results and produce a text file with the raw results run_prog('solppraw',[self.in_case(folder, 'simul')]) # post processing run_prog("solstice",['-D%s,%s'%(azimuth,elevation),'-g','format=obj:split=geometry','-fo',self.in_case(folder, 'geom'),YAML_IN]) # run a short raytrace to produce some ray paths run_prog("solstice",['-D%s,%s'%(azimuth,elevation),'-q','-n','100','-R',RECV_IN,'-p','default',YAML_IN], output_file=self.in_case(folder, 'solpaths')) # Read "simul" results and produce receiver files (.vtk) of incoming and/or absorbed solar flux per-primitive run_prog('solmaps',[self.in_case(folder, 'simul')]) # Read "geom" and "simul" file results and produce primaries and receivers files (.vtk), and .obj geometry files run_prog('solpp',[self.in_case(folder, 'geom'),self.in_case(folder, 'simul')]) # Read "solpaths" file and produce readable file (.vtk) by paraview to visualize the ray paths run_prog('solpaths',[self.in_case(folder, 'solpaths')]) finally: os.chdir(dirn) if system=='dish': eta=process_raw_results_dish(self.in_case(folder, 'simul'), folder, rho_mirror, dni) if printresult: sys.stderr.write('\n' + yellow("Total efficiency: {:f}\n".format(eta))) sys.stderr.write(green("Completed successfully.\n")) return eta else: eta, performance_hst=process_raw_results(self.in_case(folder, 'simul'), folder,rho_mirror,dni) if printresult: sys.stderr.write('\n' + yellow("Total efficiency: {:f}\n".format(eta))) sys.stderr.write(green("Completed successfully.\n")) return eta, performance_hst
[docs] def run_annual(self, nd, nh, latitude, num_rays, num_hst,rho_mirror,dni,gen_vtk=False): """Run a list of optical simulations to obtain annual performance (lookup table) using Solstice ``Arguments`` * nd (int): number of rows in the lookup table (discretisation of the declination angle) * nh (int): number of columns in the lookup table (discretisation of the solar hour angle) * latitude (float): the latitude angle of the plan location (deg) * num_rays (int): number of rays to be cast in the ray-tracing simulation * num_hst (int): number of heliostats * rho_mirror (float): reflectivity of mirrors, required for results post-processing * dni (float): the direct normal irradiance (W/m2), required to obtain performance of individual heliostat * gen_vtk (bool): True - perform postprocessing for visualisation of each individual ray-tracing scene (each sun position), False - no postprocessing for visualisation ``Return`` * No return value (results files are created and written) """ YAML_IN = self.in_case(self.casedir, 'input.yaml') RECV_IN = self.in_case(self.casedir, 'input-rcv.yaml') sun=SunPosition() AZI, ZENITH,table,case_list=sun.annual_angles(latitude, casefolder=self.casedir, nd=nd, nh=nh) case_list=case_list[1:] SOLSTICE_AZI, SOLSTICE_ELE=sun.convert_convention('solstice', AZI, ZENITH) # performance of individual heliostat is recorded # TODO note, DNI is not varied in the simulation, # i.e. performance is not dni-weighted ANNUAL=np.zeros((num_hst, 9)) run=np.r_[0] for i in range(len(case_list)): c=int(case_list[i,0].astype(float)) if c not in run: azimuth=SOLSTICE_AZI[c-1] elevation=SOLSTICE_ELE[c-1] #if np.sin(elevation*np.pi/180.)>=1.e-5: # dni=1618.*np.exp(-0.606/(np.sin(elevation*np.pi/180.)**0.491)) #else: # dni=0. sys.stderr.write("\n"+green('Sun position: %s \n'%c)) print('azimuth: %.2f'% azimuth, ', elevation: %.2f'%elevation) onesunfolder=os.path.join(self.casedir,'sunpos_%s'%(c)) # run solstice if elevation<1.: # 1 degree efficiency_total=ufloat(0,0) performance_hst=np.zeros((num_hst, 9)) else: efficiency_total,, elevation, num_rays, rho_mirror, dni, folder=onesunfolder, gen_vtk=gen_vtk, printresult=False) sys.stderr.write(yellow("Total efficiency: {:f}\n".format(efficiency_total))) ANNUAL+=performance_hst else: ANNUAL+=performance_hst for a in range(len(table[3:])): for b in range(len(table[0,3:])): val=re.findall(r'\d+', table[a+3,b+3]) if val==[]: table[a+3,b+3]=0 else: if c==float(val[0]): table[a+3,b+3]=efficiency_total.nominal_value run=np.append(run,c) annual_title=np.array(['Q_solar','Q_cosine', 'Q_shade', 'Q_hst_abs', 'Q_block', 'Q_atm', 'Q_spil', 'Q_refl', 'Q_rcv_abs']) ANNUAL=np.vstack((annual_title, ANNUAL)) np.savetxt(self.casedir+'/lookup_table.csv', table, fmt='%s', delimiter=',') np.savetxt(self.casedir+'/result-heliostats-annual-performance.csv', ANNUAL, fmt='%s', delimiter=',') sys.stderr.write("\n"+green("Lookup table saved.\n")) sys.stderr.write(green("Completed successfully.\n"+"\n")) return table, ANNUAL